Traveling around the city or between cities in comfort, tranquility and security. In addition to the guaranteed attractive prices.


It does not matter whether you have just returned to the country, or traveling away. It also does not matter whether it is a route between your home or hotel. We are here for you.


As a conference organizers we know how important is to have high-quality and reliable transportation. We have realized nearly 100 conferences, and we know what we’re talking about.


Whether alone, with family, friends or business partners need to change the environment, we will be happy to orgzanize trips throughout Europe. Summer events can be found in the blog in the “About” where you will be regularly informed about news.


Order a car for the whole day or just a few hours, our professional drivers will be at your full disposal.


Very important day that you want to enjoy and most certainly not to solve the worries. We will provide you not just transport but also a photographer, cameraman and post-production.


Above, we wanted to show you the most frequently used service by our clients . We can do that , but much more . We can help realize the variety of work , social events , or your private vacation. It is also thanks to our complementary services such as security, interpreter or need a guide. The whole event and the path will be happy to arrange well as audiovisual record . Contact us , we can help.

If you have any needs , expectations and requirements , please let us know and we will prepare a customized offer

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